All posts by: Richard Knellinger

About Richard Knellinger

Starting a business inspired by a passion can be a risky and intimidating journey, but it can also lead to rewarding and life-changing results. Fitz Koehler’s Gainesville-based fitness company, Fitzness International, proves this to be true. Koehler originally came to Gainesville as an undergraduate student at the University of Florida with a passion for exercise […]

“You have to. I already paid your entrance fee,” said Bob. They couldn’t have known at the time, but this would be the first step to a second career for Joey Landreneau. Based on the popularity of the jambalaya he’d always bring to potluck dinners, a friend had volunteered him for a booth at the […]

Restaurants often struggle in a staggering economy. Although some independent restaurants in Gainesville have closed, many franchises are flourishing. Franchise owners and operators recognize that franchises help their owners succeed. When owners purchase a franchise, they do not have to take care of many details that an owner of an independent restaurant must handle. Franchises […]

A few new restaurants opened this past September and October. Hardee’s and Red Burrito opened at 7300 Newberry Road in Gainesville, Florida. Hardee’s encouraged customers to attend the Grand Opening on October 15, 2011 by offering complimentary biscuits to the first 50 people attending the opening event. Hardee’s is not new to Gainesville, but the […]

Brame, Heck Architects, originally founded by Newbold Goin, has undergone many name changes throughout its century in business. Throughout their one hundred years, the company has established community roots. Among the many buildings the firm has designed are local schools, a local hospital and various types of commercial buildings and housing located in the Gainesville […]

Years ago, the University of Florida set out to create Innovation Hub, a business complex and commercial center. Gradually plans expanded to Innovation Square, which will include science and technology areas, restaurants, and housing. More recently, the University of Florida excitedly shared its plans for the area with the community and University of Florida representatives […]

The Pew Research Center indicates that 25 percent of fathers do not reside with their children. As a result, many fathers may not play an active role in parenting. Despite these unfortunate findings, some fathers in the Gainesville area still manage to share quality time with their children. Fathers who make spending time with their […]

A celebration was held recently to honor the tenth anniversary of the Gainesville Technology Enterprise Center (GTEC). Ten years ago, the City of Gainesville and the area’s Chamber of Commerce combined forces to help local companies and inventors fund technological innovations. Additionally, GTEC also gives seminars about technology. The support of GTEC has helped increase […]

Gainesville restaurant owner and executive chef, Bert Gill, is enjoying success and growth with several restaurants in the area. He attributes much of his success to learning from mentors and working in the industry. Although Gill originally intended to graduate from the University of Florida, he left the University and began working in the food […]